Rules to Follow When Styling Shelves


As interior designers, one of the number one questions we receive from clients and friends is “how do I style my shelves”? It’s no secret that this can be a difficult and rather frustrating task, which got us thinking about the process the team here at Atelier Interior Design follows when styling a space. Whether you’re decorating a bookcase in your office, open shelving in your kitchen, or shelving in your living space, the rules we’ve laid out below can be followed to achieve perfectly styled shelves anywhere in your home. With these tips, we hope to give you a starting point for creating gorgeous spaces in your home that showcase your unique personality, while taking the guesswork and stress out of the task.

Let’s get started!

Rule #1: Note Spacing and Height

The first rule in shelf styling is to take into account the spacing and height between each shelf. Essentially, how much space do you need to fill up and how tall can you go with your decor. It’s essential to include items that are tall enough in order to avoid leaving too much air and space above the items before your next shelf (or ceiling) starts. If you have an item you love, but it needs to be taller, remember that layering is welcome - stack that item on top of a book if needed.


Rule #2: Don’t Include the Same Number of Items on Each Shelf

The secret to creating balance with shelving decor is to NOT include the same number of items on each shelf. We know… this may not sound like “balance”, but hear us out. The balance is created by having each shelf vary slightly. For example, if your top shelf contains three decorative elements, consider placing only two items on the shelf below. In addition, there is no need to center items on each shelf as this allows you to include a couple items (1 to 3) that are focal points. By varying the formula and layout of each shelf, you’ll create a look that is visually appealing and cohesive.

Rule #3: Jazz it Up

A rule we follow no matter the project or task: jazz it up! Shelves are not meant for just family photos or books - although these items do have a place. Mix it up by throwing in a funky lamp or a cool sculpture. Your shelving is where you showcase your personality, therefore, they are a great place to display all sorts of items you love whether that be family heirlooms, items you’ve collected from your travels, art… the list goes on.


Rule #4: Always Edit Your Shelves

Our last rule is to edit your shelves - always, always, always. To be clear, by “edit”, we mean for you to style your shelves then take a few steps back and glance over how they feel and look. Looking too cluttered? Feel free to take a few things away and then re-evaluate. Is an item too short compared to the height of the shelf? Remove it and replace it with something else. You’ll know when you land on the perfect styling - it will feel perfect!


And just like that, shelf styling doesn’t have to be too difficult! To make the task seem even less daunting, we suggest looking at it as a creative, fun activity. Remember, you can change the decor as much as you need to while you’re styling - nothing is permanent - so have fun and test your creative skills!

Check out some of our Denver interior design projects for a visual reference of how we incorporate the tips and rules above.